Why choose the Tor network to host your website?

The Tor network not only provides privacy, but also reduces costs and makes your website more censorship-resistant. How?

On the Web you need to pay for a domain. That domain can easily be censored by the authorities if they consider you to be doing something illegal or if you are in a country without freedom of speech. In contrast, on the Tor network you do not have to pay for a centralised authority to assign an IP address to your domain1 and you do not run the risk of having your website censored, as they cannot find out where the server is located or take down the domain.

Tor protects webmasters and users because it provides privacy and prevents the government from threatening companies and institutions to enforce the law. When you publish on the Web you are at the mercy of the government.

More and more laws are making it mandatory to identify Internet users. This identification widens the attack surface. The fewer times you have to identify yourself, the more protected you will be from hackers, from tyrannical governments... You will be invisible.

However, there is a problem: on the Tor network you have less visibility. Although there are search engines for the Tor network, most people are unaware of their existence and use centralized services that don't provide privacy. Many people still think that the Tor network is only for drug dealers and pedophiles. We must normalize privacy and escape as much as possible from the centralized surveillance structure of today's Internet. The Tor network is a useful tool for this purpose, but there are many more.

  1. This is handled by ICANN
